In a nutshell, the hill was surrounded by hostels on two sides, the institute and library on the 3rd side and the river on the 4th side. The hilltop ofcourse housed the humanities department, which was visible from far and wide including the technology-departments. All of the above were connected by cycle tracks and separate automobile tracks. A walkway at the first floor level connected the library, the institute and the Departments as a 3rd artery of circulation.

I further chose to detail the hostel layout as part of my entry. The biggest casualty in hostel-life being food, I placed the common room, the dining room and the kitchen, at the entry point. You just had to go past the wiff of food as you arrived at a hostel. And all of the above were at the centre of the 4 different wings of rooms. Each of the 4 wings were L-shaped and 3 storeys tall. The tips of the 4 Ls were connected by bridges housing rooms on the topmost level only and in the bargain, created space that simply merged with the beyond until the beyond reached the neighboring hostel.